Monday 5 November 2012


I have decided to do a thriller trailer for my A2 project, in my research and planning i have looked through other thriller trailers to see what i need to include in my trailer. This are the top 20 thriller trailers:

These have been rated from IMDB:
1.       Pulp fiction (1994)
2.       Drive (2011)
3.       The Dark Knight (2008)
4.       Inception (2010)
5.       Fight club (1999)
6.       Goodfellas (1990)
7.       Rear window (1954)
8.       Psycho (1960)
9.       The usual suspects (1995)
10.   The silence of the lambs (1991)
11.   Se7en (1995)
12.   Memento (2000)
13.   Leon (1994)
14.   North by Northwest (1959)
15.   Double indemnity (1944)
16.   M (1931)
17.   Terminator 2: Judgement day (1991)
18.   Taxi driver (1976)
19.   Vertigo (1958)
20.   The lives of others (2006)

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