Monday 12 November 2012


There are two narrative theories and these are Propp and Todorov:

Propp narrative structure is: -

1. Preparation: a community of family is in an ordered state of being
2. Complication: the villian harms a member of the hero's family, the hero plans action against the villian
3. Transference: the hero is given a magical gift, the hero arrives at the place he can fulfil his quest
4. Struggle: there is a struggle between the hero and the villian
5. Return: the hero escapes, a task is set for the hero, the hero accomplishes the task
6. Recognition: the hero is rewarded

In his theory Propp came up with 7 character types to fit into his theory these are: -

Hero: The central protagonist of the narrative who drives it forward
VIllian: Seeks riches, glory and or power, and seeks to stop the hero succeeding in the quest or mission
Helper: Accompanies the hero for some or most of the quest and can sometimes help
Mentor: Gives the hero important information or equipment to help him/her in the quest
Blocker: Tries to prevent the hero completing at least part of the quest
Prize: Acts as a reward for the hero succeeding
Dispatcher: Send the hero on his/her quest

We have used most of these charcter types in our trailer, and have conformed to the Propp's narrative structure. This is because this narrative type will make it easier for our target population to follow

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