Monday 5 November 2012

Thriller definition

Movies with an exciting plot, typically involving crime and espionage. A person or thing that experiences thrills.

(Thrillers) plenty of action, accent on plot. Tension. Empahsis on placing the protagonist in dangerous circumstances - usually physically dangerous, James Bond. SPies everywhere, darring to go anywhere and do anything.

Fast paced, high stakes crime story in which the protagonist is generally in danger at every turn, with the most danger coming in final confortation with the antagonist

Thrillers emphasize the puzzle aspect of the plot. There are clues and the viewer/reader should be able to determine the solution at about the same times as the main character. In thrillers the compelling questions isn’t necessarily who did it but whether the villain will be caught before committing another crime. Hitchcock's films often placed an innocent victim (an average, responsible person) into a strange, life-threatening or terrorizing situation, in a case of mistaken identity, misidentification or wrongful accusation

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